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Subcontracted Details


Organization (Receiving/Requesting)
Specialized Service
Agency develops Business Associates Contract with Specialized services to provide onsite services

Sub-Contract Model Examples

Service staff/operations/policies and procedures/clinical standards are separate from Contracting company
Agency spells out in contract what applicable Company operations/staffing/policies and procedures they need the sub-contractor to adhere to in the sub-contract
Specialized service adheres to whatever is spelled out in the sub-contract and requests addendums to the contract when something arises that is not in the sub-contract
Agency evaluates at contracted intervals performance, impact of specialized services
Specialized service delivers to agency performance data of its service for contract evaluation or funder evaluation of service performance, impact
Agency could assume in the sub-contract some/all/or none of the Specialized services liability
Specialized services would need to obtain its own liability coverage for whatever is not covered for liability in the Parent company sub-contract